Saturday, February 11, 2012

My very first blog post...

Here I am. Wide-eyed. Bushy-tailed. Unsure of what comes next, but there is one thing that I know: I love photography. This is the part where I am supposed to tell you why, and that this blog will be documentation of progress in making my dream a reality. While both are true... That isn’t what I am going to talk about today.

How about a little information about yours truly? I am 25. I have a degree in journalism. I am a professional student. I work part time for my church (best job ever by the way), and I dream of becoming a photographer. While there is much more to my story, I will save the rest for later.

Honestly, I was a bit hesitant to start a blog. In fact, I told myself I wouldn’t until summer because I wasn’t sure I would be ready. Want to know what changed my mind? Two things: 1) The courage of my good friend and former roommate Michele Shore who recently started her own blog (check it out here: and 2) I booked my first engagement shoot this week! Thank you, Keke and Eric! I was so ecstatic that I had to share! I figured what better way to start a blog than with good great news?

On that note, I must give thanks to God. My strength is in Him, and He gave me the courage to take this step by putting people like Michele and Keke in my life who inspire me.

Thank you for reading. :) This little corner of the Internet is where I will share my experiences and thoughts on photography and other related topics. Oh! And please look for a post about my first e-session in March! 

Until next time! 

Here is one of my favorite engagement pictures by Michele Shore.

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